Pied Kingfishers protect nest from lizard in Kruger Park

Posted by Tsoku Maela on 20 April 2023

A thrilling wildlife encounter unfolded in Kruger National Park as a hungry monitor lizard tried to raid the nest of a pair of breeding Pied Kingfishers. A wildlife enthusiast and videographer, Mark Fox, captured and shared the incredible footage with LatestSightings.com.

‘I couldn’t believe my eyes. A big monitor lizard was trying to get to the nest of a pair of mating Pied Kingfishers. I quickly grabbed my binoculars to get a closer look,’ said Fox, describing the scene.

Pied Kingfishers are known for their striking black-and-white plumage and unique hovering flight pattern, allowing them to spot prey precisely. Male kingfishers build a nest and perform a courtship dance to attract a female before mating and incubating eggs.

As the monitor lizard approached the nest, the kingfishers noticed the threat and began dive-bombing the lizard in a consistent effort to chase it off. Fox described the intense battle between the two species, saying, ‘Every time the lizard made progress, the birds would come down, forcing it to change direction.’

The nesting habits of Pied Kingfishers involve building nests along riverbanks, using twigs and feathers. The female lays between 3-6 eggs, and both parents take turns incubating them and feeding their young.

In the end, the kingfishers successfully defeated the lizard, and it retreated to the crocodile river, perhaps in search of an easier meal. This incredible encounter highlights these animals’ remarkable abilities and determination in the wild.

You can watch it below:

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