Nikon is offering free online photography classes this festive season

Posted on 8 December 2020

In a showing of festive cheer, Nikon is offering free online photography classes, once again, this year.

The classes, which are typically priced between R227 to R755, will be available for free via the Nikon School Online from now until December 31, 2020.

Nikon is offering free online photography classes this festive season

Nikon’s online classes are suitable for all photographers.

Novices as well as experienced shooters can take advantage of the variety of classes on offer. These will be taught by world-class Nikon ambassadors and photographers.

The easy-to-follow classes are perfect for those who will receive a camera as a gift or simply want to try out a new hobby.

It will address any photography questions you may have and cover a variety of disciplines such as portraiture, landscape, animal photography and video.

The ‘Better Holiday Photos with Nikon Ambassadors’ class is dedicated to helping people create memorable and creative holiday photos and videos will be introduced this year. The class will provide lessons on how to create holiday cards, portrait lighting and food photography.

Nikon School Online classes are a great way to help anyone brush up on their photography skills and inspire them to capture and share their amazing photos and video with their friends and families this holiday season,’ said Nikon’s Executive Vice President, Jay Vannatter.

‘Whether celebrating the holidays at home among loved ones or joining together virtually, the power of imaging helps keep us connected, creative and inspired.’

Picture: Unsplash

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