Five critically endangered red wolf pups born in US

Posted by Anita Froneman on 10 May 2020

The American red wolf is a rare creature, with only 15-20 red wolves in the wild, making the species the most endangered canid (mammals of the dog family) in the world.

Now the North Carolina zoo in the US is celebrating the birth of five more pups to this scarce species.

‘The pups and their mother are all healthy and doing well,’ the zoo reported.

The newly expanded family is kept in a non-public viewing area where they have minimal contact with staff and keepers. ‘This allows their mother to raise the pups with the least amount of stress in a natural habitat,’ the zoo explained.

The North Carolina Zoo is part of the American Red Wolf Recovery. They have bred eleven pups over the past three years and 34 wolves in total since beginning the program.

Take a look at the adorable newborns:

Image: Twitter


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