EARS Donkey Sanctuary saves lives

Posted by Anita Froneman on 7 July 2020

Donkeys not only play a valuable part in developing agricultural communities in the country by being used to transport goods, they are also amicable and gentle pets to many families.

The illegal donkey skin trade, however has been threatening donkey populations in Africa for years. Donkeys are stolen (or sold) and slaughtered for their skins to produce ‘ejiao’, a gelatin used in traditional Chinese medicine. The creatures are often subject to unspeakable cruelty when being transported for this purpose and killed in inhumane ways.

A non-profit organisation in Greyton, Western Cape is saving these animals one rescued donkey at a time.

EARS Donkey Sanctuary cares for abused, injured and geriatric donkeys (over the age of 20 and no longer able to work). The NPO assists with the rehabilitation of working donkeys in the community and offers community equine education and support.

‘EARS encourages a culture of empathy to all animals using our donkeys and telling their individual stories to visitors and school groups,’ they say on their Facebook page.

With the global COVID-19 pandemic, they have not been able to welcome visitors for quite some time and as with any non-profit welfare organisation, funds run low during tough times.

There are numerous ways to get involved in the invaluable work they do aside from once-off financial donations. You can donate unwanted goods to the charity shop or browse the shop and buy something you like. You can also sponsor a donkey, or simply pay a visit and spend some time with the lovely animals.

For more information, email [email protected] or call Penny on 082 660 6714.

Image credit: Facebook/EARS Donkey Sanctuary 

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