How to photograph interiors to look like brochure pics

Posted on 22 July 2019

Interior photography is a specialised field and it takes some skill to create brochure-worthy photographs that sell a dream destination to tourists. In this month’s Photography Masterclass, our photography editor, Robyn Daly interviews lodge and interior specialist photographer, David Rogers to bring you his tips and tricks to getting those wish-you-were-here interior shots.

We walk into a room and immediately our eyes and brain work together to take in what’s inside the room and the view through the window. Our brains do a split-second photomerge and voilla! We get the whole picture. As clever as cameras are these days, they’re still not as smart as our brains, but there are tips and tricks to getting the whole picture.

David Rogers is a travel and wildlife photographer and teacher and has written numerous books, including one on lodge photography. Watch this video to find out the secrets to his beautiful interior photographs.

Robyn Daly is a professional product and lifestyle photographer in Cape Town. She is a former Getaway photojournalist and spent a decade travelling, shooting and writing for Getaway. See her work online at

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