Reviewed: Trail kettle

Posted on 10 June 2013

The 2,5-litre, stainless-steel Trail kettle is a campsite keeper. It felt a bit thin and unconvincing to begin with, and while I assumed it would blacken quickly, it proved me otherwise.

The thick plastic safety handle ensures delivery of your morning caffeine kick without getting burnt by the steel body, which becomes mighty hot and doesn’t have much insulation.

Trail kettle from Mr Price Sport

Trail kettle from Mr Price Sport

Its whistle is reminiscent of classic stovetop kettles and will wake you should you attempt to catch a couple more Zs during its boil time. The Trail kettle has the perfect capacity for a family camping trip, is terribly good looking, lightweight and functional to boot. This is one item you don’t want to leave behind.

Costs R139,99.

Mr Price Sport, tel 0800-212-535,

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tcat - Camping
tcat_slug - camping
tcat2 -
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tcat_final - gear