Cooking with a Cobb Supreme

Posted on 3 September 2015

The Cobb Supreme (find them on Facebook) is a beautiful braai you can take anywhere, so cooking on-the-go is clean and easy.

An oval-shaped portable cooker made from the highest grade stainless steel, the Cobb Supreme weighs 6,9kg and is new to the South African Cobb family. It’s ideal for a large group of people so I took it for a spin on a family weekend away.


Setting up the Cobb Supreme

Setting up the Cobb Supreme.

We unpacked the Cobb from its small carry bag and set it up outside. The exterior casing doesn’t get hot so we popped it in the middle of our table as we enjoyed the sunset.

The portable grill takes one to two Cobb cobble stones to start up or 12 to 20 regular charcoal briquettes. If you’re using a cobble stone, it fits neatly into the middle of the cooker and you place the grill pan over it. It takes about 10 minutes for the Cobb to properly heat up and then it’s time to get cooking.


Lighting the Cobble Stone

Lighting the ‘cobble stone’.

The heat is great and we started off cooking some tinfoil-covered covered vegetables, which we placed alongside the ‘fire pit’ beneath the grill.

The Cobb Supreme
This moat has plenty of room for veggies and acts as an oven. Once these were nearly cooked, we popped the lamb chops on the grid to sizzle away. The heat was still good an hour later and easily could’ve cooked more. By that stage we were eating straight off the Cobb.


The Cobb Supreme is big enough to roast two chickens and do potatoes on the grill. It’s also simple to clean as the non-stick grill can be wiped down in the kitchen and the ashes tipped into the bin.

The Cobb Supreme
I love the smokey taste of a real braai and was wary of the device at first, but using the Cobb was effortless. It’s a compact solution that you can take on holiday with you, guaranteeing fast and simple cooking. You don’t have to wait for the right coals and the heat doesn’t disappear too quickly. I really liked the carry bag and it was light enough to move around when needed (even when it was alight).

It comes with a base, inner sleeve, basket and grill (as seen above). It also includes a carry bag, fork and a dome lifter.

Costs R2 205, from a variety of outdoor stores including Outdoor Warehouse.


The Cobb Supreme

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